Many clients at Ralph’s Radio in Vancouver and Victoria ask us what a remote start integration module is and why is it required. This is a great question and one that gets asked often enough that we felt it was worth posting about. The simplest answer is that these modules allow analog remote starters to communicate directly with the computers in your vehicle in their language. Read on for more information.
How Do Remote Starters Work?
Simply, a remote starter mimics your presence in the vehicle to make it start. In some vehicles, the process involves unlocking the doors as well as turning the ignition key or pressing the start button. As more and more systems in our cars, trucks and SUVs become computerized, remote starter systems need a way to send commands to perform functions.
Remote Start Integration Module
The data interface modules we use in our remote starter systems require programming for your specific year, make, model and trim level of vehicle. We connect the module to the vehicle data network so that it can send lock control, starting and security commands. When you press the lock button on your remote or the DroneMobile app, the starter sends a digital message to the interface module that lets the car know it’s allowed to start. If you have a push-to-start vehicle, the next command our module sends is to activate the starting procedure. If your vehicle still uses analog wires, the relays built into the starter replicate the function of the key cylinder.
Vehicle Safety
Many clients ask if their vehicle is safe after it’s started. Without a shadow of a doubt, your vehicle is every bit as safe once remote started as it is sitting in the driveway overnight. Several systems are in place that require the factory key or key fob to be present in order for the vehicle to be driven away. In virtually every application, the vehicle remains locked after being started.
The integration module does not bypass your security features. It is programmed and authorized to send an authenticated security code during the remote starter process.
Install a Little Extra Comfort This Season
If you’re looking for a way to warm up your vehicle this winter, drop into Ralph’s Radio in Victoria or Vancouver and talk to our sales team about a remote car starter. We will help you choose the perfect system for your vehicle and range requirements. We’ll explain all the costs involved in the use and installation of the system, including a remote start integration module or any other accessories. You can reach us by phone or by using our online contact page for more information about any of our products or services.